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Exploring America's Mixology Scene

For Ask Jerry

Illustration  |  Editorial


Shanghai, China

Illustration  |  Editorial


Shanghai, China

For Ask Jerry


Cocktails Anyone? 

We collaborated with Ask Jerry, a renowned market entry and creative production agency specializing in crafting unique brand solutions for the Hospitality and F&B industries, to create captivating cocktail illustrations.
These illustrations were seamlessly incorporated into a variety of engaging content, including blog articles, WeChat mini-apps, and offline materials. The primary goal was to cultivate and promote the vibrant cocktail culture among China's discerning Millennials and Generation Z consumers, sparking their interest and enthusiasm for the art of mixology.


The Manhattan cocktail has been a beloved choice since the mid-19th century. Its origin stories are as diverse as the flavors it offers. Some credit a bartender named Blake from a bar near Houston Street in the 1860s, while others believe it was islanders from the north of Fries who brought the recipe back home to share with friends. Regardless of its origins, this timeless classic is adored by bartenders worldwide and certainly deserves a sip.

Ward Eight, an iconic Boston drink, traces its roots back to 1898 at the Locke-Ober bar in Boston, Massachusetts. It was created to commemorate the electoral victory of Democratic political czar Martin M. Lomasney. With a unique blend of spicy rye whiskey, fresh orange and lemon juice, and red pomegranate syrup, this flavorful concoction has become synonymous with the vibrant spirit of Boston. While not commonly found in bars outside of the city, Ward Eight stands as a testament to Boston's rich cocktail heritage.

In 1888, Henry C. Ramos introduced the world to his signature creation, the Ramos Gin Fizz. This gin cocktail revolutionized the New Orleans cocktail scene and remains a beloved classic to this day. The drink's fame stems from its unique preparation, requiring continuous shaking by the bartender to achieve a cloud-like fizz. In its heyday, Ramos even hired 20 bartenders solely dedicated to making this labor-intensive libation. The result is a delightfully creamy texture that is worth savoring until the very last sip, ensuring that the bartender's 12 minutes of dedicated effort are not in vain.

The pisco punch was born in the Montgomery neighbourhood at the bank exchange and billiard saloon. It is said that Mark Twain was also a regular customer here and, coincidentally, after drinking one of his pisco punches, his famous 'Tom Sawyer' character began to be inspired. The pisco comes from Peru and is made from 100% grape juice. Distilled from 100% grape juice, pisco is a spirits from Peru. One bottle of pisco is equivalent to about 10 bottles of wine, but without the hangover. Because it is distilled very cleanly in a single batch, without any added substances. Wouldn't you love to try it too!