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Anne Bousema / De Volgerplas

Landscape photography book



Rotterdam, The Netherlands



Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Landscape photography book

Memory / Dream

Ann Bousema's photography book on the landscape transformation of De Volgerplas offers a distinctive perspective on the impending changes brought by the urban development project. Rather than solely focusing on rendering images of the future constructions, our aim was to emphasize the inherent beauty of the pre-construction landscape. By limiting the inclusion of such images, we sought to capture the essence of the untouched environment before the development took place.






In addition to showcasing the natural state of the landscape, our approach was to overlay certain images of demolished structures and introspective shots with architectural drawings, resulting in abstract designs. Our aim was to evoke a sense of nostalgia for what once stood while also presenting a vision for the future. Through these compositions invite viewers to reflect on the transformation while engaging their emotions and imagination.




By combining elements of the pre-construction landscape, demolished structures, architectural drawings, and abstract designs, We wanted to portray the interplay between the past, present, and future of De Volgerplas. It offers a visual narrative that conveys not only the physical changes but also the emotions and aspirations associated with the urban development project.